
  • UALCAN —> 可查看TCGA中相关基因,生存曲线,差异表达啥的
  • cBioPortal —-> 可查看TCGA中差异表达的基因
  • Oncomine —-> compute gene expression signatures, clusters and gene-set modules, automatically extracting biological insights from the data
  • LinkedOmics —-> The web application has three analytical modules: LinkFinder, LinkInterpreter and LinkCompare. LinkFinder allows users to search for attributes that are associated with a query attribute, such as mRNA or protein expression signatures of genomic alterations, candidate biomarkers of clinical attributes, and candidate target genes of transcriptional factors, microRNAs, or protein kinases. Analysis results can be visualized by scatter plots, box plots, or Kaplan-Meier plots. To derive biological insights from the association results, the LinkInterpreter module performs enrichment analysis based on Gene Ontology, biological pathways, network modules, among other functional categories. The LinkCompare module uses visualization functions (interactive venn diagram, scatter plot, and sortable heat map) and meta-analysis to compare and integrate association results generated by the LinkFinder module, which supports multi-omics analysis in a cancer type or pan-cancer analysis.
  • GeneMANIA —-> predict the function of your favorite genes and gene sets
  • GEPIA —-> GEPIA (Gene Expression Profiling Interactive Analysis), 目前第二版也出来了
  • TCGAportal —-> 就是TCGA的数据简单分析网站,很简单的那种
  • dbDEMC —-> 可以分析microRNA的网站
  • GSCA ——> 癌症基因集分析


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