
  source ~/.bashrc_python-2.7.11 #事先安装好Python2.7以上的版本
  git clone git@github.com:NCI-GDC/gdc-client.git
  vim requirements.txt
          -e /home/train/gdc-tool/parcel #指定本地安装parcel,不然因为外网,无法下载
  pip install -r requirements.txt
  pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
  python setup.py install
  python -m pytest --cov=gdc_client --cov-branch --cov-report term tests/

  echo 'PATH=$PATH:/home/train/gdc-tool/gdc-client/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
  source ~/.bashrc

  #如果遇到'DownloadStream' object has no attribute 'url'的问题
  cd /home/train/gdc-tool/gdc-client/gdc_client/download
  cp client.py client.py.bak
  # gdc-client calls parcel's parallel_download,
  # which is where most of the downloading takes place
      file_id = stream.uri.split('/')[-1] # l -> i

  cd /home/train/gdc-tool/gdc-client
  python setup.py install
  rm -rf /home/train/gdc-tool/gdc-client/gdc_client/


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