Git 入门命令

git init
git status
git add file/doc
git commit -m "..."
git commit -a -m "..."
git status
git log

git show ... #一串哈希符号

git remote -v
git remote add origin https:.......
git remote -v
git push origin master #输入用户名和密码,将本地文件push到远程

git pull origin master #将远程的文件拽到本地

git clone https:...... #将远程的文件拽到本地
git remote -v #clone的仓库直接和远程仓库建立了联系
git commit -a -m "add daizao char" #将修改记录信息
git push


邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用*标注

To create code blocks or other preformatted text, indent by four spaces:

    This will be displayed in a monospaced font. The first four 
    spaces will be stripped off, but all other whitespace
    will be preserved.
    Markdown is turned off in code blocks:
     [This is not a link](

To create not a block, but an inline code span, use backticks:

Here is some inline `code`.

For more help see

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